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Default skins

This is documentation for past version v0.6 (More)


Forrest supplies a collection of default skins which are configurable and so should meet the needs of most projects. The aim is to provide many capabilities so that extra skins are not needed.

Convention for choosing skin names

The skin names are based on playing with the word "skin". See our technique for choosing skin names. A name with "-dev" extension signifies that it is under development. There is no concept of versions of default skins. New skins have new names.

Skin descriptions


Uses CSS "div" and no HTML tables. During its earlier development, this skin used to be called "css-style-dev".


This is the evolution of the "pelt" skin, to have naming conventions for css elements. It is still in development.


This skin is based on version 1.1 of the style.tigris.org project. (It deliberately contravenes our skin naming convention.)


This is a very minimal skin to produce plain HTML documents. Such capability might be useful to generate a collection of documents for some off-line product's user help system.

Old and deprecated skins

The following skins are retained for a little while longer, but are deprecated, so please move to one of the other skins.


This is the old skin that we have been dragging around since early days. Uses HTML tables.


Uses HTML tables.