To publish from site-author and/or docs-author: Do once: # create $FORREST_HOME/deploy.svn.settings which looks like: # Make changes to source & commit. # forrest -f publish.xml build # verify files in build/forrest-[docs|site] # forrest -f publish.xml deploy -Ddeploy.svn.commit-message="my commit message" Now the files are in SVN at forrest/site Periodically the real website files are updated from there. You do not have to do anything else. ----------------------- To publish documentation from a non-trunk branch: # check out the branch (e.g. svn co # make sure $FORREST_HOME is set (it uses this to find deploy.svn.settings) # Do the steps above within this branch ----------------------- To publish documentation from the 0.6 branch: (this is unique because it does not have split docs/site, but currently we still need to publish it) # cd forrest_06_branch # forrest -f publish_docs.xml build # forrest -f publish_docs.xml deploy -Ddeploy.svn.commit-message="my commit message"