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The Apache XML Project
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Xerces [C/C++|Java|Perl] is a fully-validating XML parser. It implements the W3C DOM API (level 1 and 2) the SAX2 API and the JAXP API. Validation is driven by either DTD or XMLSchema. A Perl wrapper for the C++ version is available as well as a a COM wrapper for full interoperability with the Microsoft MSXML parser.
Crimson [Java] is a non-validating XML parser derived from the Sun ProjectX Parser and currently included in the 1.4 version of the official Java platform.
Xalan [C++|Java] is a processing engine that provides a complete implementation of the W3C XSLT transformation language. The Java version implements the JAXP API and is included in the 1.4 version of official Java platform.
FOP [Java] implements a professional-quality rendering system for the W3C XSL Formatting Object language and for the W3C SVG language with the ability to output the result as PDF, RTF, MIF or PostScript, or to present them directly on screen with the included viewer.
Batik [Java] provides a toolkit for working with the W3C SVG language, ranging from visualising SVG content, rasterizing it as JPG or PNG images, exporting an SVG version of a Java AWT canvas and more.
Cocoon [Java] is an XML publishing framework designed for performance and scalability around pipelined SAX processing. It offers a flexible environment based on the separation of concerns between content, logic and presentation. Interacts with most data sources, including: filesystems, RDBMS, LDAP, native XML databases, and network-based data sources. It may be run as a servlet or as a command line application.
AxKit [Perl] Apache AxKit is an XML Application Server for Apache. It provides on-the-fly conversion from XML to any format, such as HTML, WAP or text using either W3C standard techniques, or flexible custom code. AxKit also uses a built-in Perl interpreter to provide some amazingly powerful techniques for XML transformation.
Xang [ECMAScript] lets you quickly build data-driven web applications that integrate disparate data sources and cleanly separate data, logic and presentation.
SOAP [Java] is an implementation of the W3C SOAP protocol.
Axis [Java] is an implementation of the W3C SOAP protocol that was written to solve the architectural problems found in the other SOAP implementation.
XML-RPC [Java] is an implementation of XML-based Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).
XIndice [Java] is a native XML database that provides an efficient way to store and retrieve large quantities of semi-structured XML documents that hardly fit in the relational model. It implements the XML:DB API which follow the JDBC model in order to decouple functionality from the implementation. It supports XPath queries.
XML-Security [Java] implements the W3C XML Security and cryptographic features to allow XML documents to be authenticated, signed, sealed or otherwise protected from unwanted or untrusted changes.
Mail lists
Subscribe to our project-wide mail lists:
  • Announcements: a moderated list to get announcements about our software releases or important events.
  • General: the project-wide mail list where general discussions on XML technologies are held and project-wide decisions are taken.
XSLT, XPath, and XQuery drafts
28 Dec 2001 | Stefano Mazzocchi
The W3C has given developers a huge pile of holiday reading, with first drafts of XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0, as well as a collection of revised query drafts.
28 Dec 2001 | Stefano Mazzocchi
A new release for the open source SVG toolkit brings improved performance, and comes a step closer to fully supporting all features of SVG.
28 Dec 2001 | Stefano Mazzocchi
After a long period of development, the second iteration of the Apache Cocoon XML-based application platform has been released.
28 Dec 2001 | Stefano Mazzocchi
XML.com has published Kimbro Staken's second article about native XML databases where he explains some details about Apache XIndice.
Checkout the systems we use for our development infrastructure:
  • Forrest is the system that generates and maintains the web site.
  • Gump is the system that rebuilds the software and tests dependencies.