------ Apache DirectMemory Release Notes 0.1-incubating ------ Olivier Lamy ------ 2012-06-18 ------ ~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ~~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ~~ distributed with this work for additional information ~~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ~~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ~~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ~~ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ~~ ~~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ~~ ~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ~~ software distributed under the License is distributed on an ~~ "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ~~ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ~~ specific language governing permissions and limitations ~~ under the License. ~~ NOTE: For help with the syntax of this file, see: ~~ http://maven.apache.org/doxia/references/apt-format.html Apache DirectMemory 0.1-incubating The Apache DirectMemory Team would like to announce the 0.1-incubating release. Apache DirectMemory is a multi layered cache implementation featuring off-heap memory management to enable efficient handling of a large number of java objects without affecting jvm garbage collection performance It's a technology preview release. So some APIs can be change in the future. We hope you enjoy using Apache DirectMemory! If you have any questions, please consult: * the web site: {{{http://directmemory.apache.org//}http://directmemory.apache.org//}} * the directmemory-user mailing list: {{{http://directmemory.apache.org/mail-lists.html}http://directmemory.apache.org/mail-lists.html}} [] Release date: 2012-07-09. * Apache DirectMemory 0.1-incubating release notes ** New Feature * [DIRECTMEMORY-37] - Update the MemoryManager API so it can be used in conjunction with NIO to provide efficient buffer management * [DIRECTMEMORY-61] - Create Server module to receive data to cache and a client api to send datas to cache * [DIRECTMEMORY-62] - Adopt fluent APIs for bootstrapping the Cache (and optionally manage stored objects) ** Improvement * [DIRECTMEMORY-12] - package DirectMemory as a OSGI bundle * [DIRECTMEMORY-16] - Create a non Singleton MemoryStorage alternative * [DIRECTMEMORY-19] - Remove deprecated MethodRule from unit tests (use @Rule) * [DIRECTMEMORY-20] - Remove @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes","unchecked"} from serializers and fix style * [DIRECTMEMORY-27] - Upgrade to protostuff 1.0.4 and switch again to off-heap buffer * [DIRECTMEMORY-39] - Create an 'example' module * [DIRECTMEMORY-40] - Pointers merging with adjacent free pointers when freeing. * [DIRECTMEMORY-42] - OffHeapMemoryBuffer store, allocate and free function's parameters consistency * [DIRECTMEMORY-43] - Cache should allow key objects instead of plain string * [DIRECTMEMORY-48] - Add OffHeapMemoryBuffer interface and abstraction * [DIRECTMEMORY-53] - MemoryManagerService buffers allocation policy * [DIRECTMEMORY-56] - Moving unused class from org.apache.directmemory.serialization to test * [DIRECTMEMORY-58] - OffHeapMemoryBuffer.allocate should return a ByteBuffer with capacity = limit = allocatedSize to avoid overwriting * [DIRECTMEMORY-67] - Serializer Factory should be able to load specific serializers * [DIRECTMEMORY-71] - SerializerFactory#createNewSerializer( Class|String ) should throw appropriate exceptions instead of returning null * [DIRECTMEMORY-72] - Pointer should be an interface * [DIRECTMEMORY-75] - Create a CacheService builder to simplify the bootstrap process * [DIRECTMEMORY-77] - Make MemoryManagerServiceWithAllocationPolicyImpl the default MemoryManagerService implementation * [DIRECTMEMORY-78] - Completely remove the deprecated OffHeapMemoryBuffer * [DIRECTMEMORY-80] - Build fails on Windows * [DIRECTMEMORY-89] - Update DM-Solr integration to user Solr 3.6 * [DIRECTMEMORY-90] - Add OSGi support for directmemory-ehcache integration. * [DIRECTMEMORY-91] - Add OSGi support for directmemory-solr ** Bug * [DIRECTMEMORY-17] - Element Eviction/Expiry issue * [DIRECTMEMORY-18] - The expiry value is not passed to the underlying store to check the expiry of the element. * [DIRECTMEMORY-46] - OffHeapMemoryBuffer.free do an unnecessary pointers.add * [DIRECTMEMORY-47] - OffHeapMemoryBuffer.allocate need to be synchronized * [DIRECTMEMORY-54] - OffHeapMemoryBuffer.clear should set to free all pointers to avoid misusage * [DIRECTMEMORY-55] - OffHeapMemoryBuffer leaks 1 byte at every allocation * [DIRECTMEMORY-59] - Fix statistics code for SolrOffHeapCache in examples module * [DIRECTMEMORY-68] - Standard Serializer is broken under OSGi * [DIRECTMEMORY-73] - NPE on put method in CacheServiceImpl when cache is full. * [DIRECTMEMORY-81] - Disposal process run only once * [DIRECTMEMORY-85] - Method to format in Gb has a typo * [DIRECTMEMORY-86] - Tomcat is never stopped during the server tests * [DIRECTMEMORY-87] - collectExpired frees not expired items instead of expired ones * [DIRECTMEMORY-88] - Unable to retrieve JDK types (Integer, byte, ..) with the StandardSerializer * [DIRECTMEMORY-93] - There is a typo in the ehcache feature of directmemory * [DIRECTMEMORY-94] - directmemory-solr fails to resolve in some cases ** Task * [DIRECTMEMORY-1] - Import the codebase * [DIRECTMEMORY-2] - Create Website for URL http://incubator.apache.org/directmemory/ * [DIRECTMEMORY-3] - Remove Dependencies from SVN * [DIRECTMEMORY-4] - Remove eclipse project files * [DIRECTMEMORY-5] - Remove Generated Classes from SVN * [DIRECTMEMORY-6] - Change Package Names to get adopted * [DIRECTMEMORY-38] - Add "TM" to project logos * [DIRECTMEMORY-45] - Add (TM) symbol to the project logo ** Test * [DIRECTMEMORY-29] - Fix a payload size assertion in MemoryManagerTests.smokeTest() ** Wish * [DIRECTMEMORY-65] - put vs update - not consistent ** Sub-task * [DIRECTMEMORY-22] - Add OSGi integration test for directmemory * [DIRECTMEMORY-23] - Provide a feature descriptor for Karaf