Proposal for Digester Package

(0) Rationale

Many Jakarta products read XML configuration files to provide initialization of various Java objects within the system.

There are several ways of doing this now spread across various Jakarta projects which could all be moved toward a common implementation.

A Commons package would give committers an opportunity to coordinate their efforts to create and maintain a efficient, feature-rich package under the ASF license.

(1) Scope of the Package

The Digester project shall create and maintain a XML -> Java object mapping package written in the Java language to be distributed under the ASF license.

(1.5) Interaction With Other Packages

Digester relies on:

(2) Initial Source of the Package

The initial codebase are an integral part of the Struts Framework. However, they have very few dependencies on other aspects of Struts, and those dependencies have been removed in the proposed code base. Once accepted and released as a Jakarta Commons component, Struts will be modified to use the Commons version of these classes, and its internal versions will be deprecated.

The proposed package name for the new component is org.apache.commons.digester.

(3) Required Jakarta-Commons Resources

(4) Initial Committers

The initial committers on the Digester component shall be: