$Id: RELEASE-NOTES.txt,v 1.4 2002/04/28 03:38:29 craigmcc Exp $ Commons Digester Package Version 1.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: ============ This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons Digester package, and highlights changes since the previous version. NEW FEATURES: ============ Logging: ------- All components of the commons-digester package now use the commons-logging package for logging, which means that the Digester classes will transparently adapt to whatever logging implementation your application is using. Set the logging detail level to DEBUG or TRACE to receive debugging output. The following log names are utilized: org.apache.commons.digester.Digester org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.sax XML Rules Support: ----------------- You can now define Digester Rules in an XML-based format that is loaded at runtime, rather than requiring programmatic declaration of the relevant rules. Details are in the org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules package. Digester Enhancements: --------------------- The parse() method that accepts a File parameter will now create an InputSource that declares a system identifier for the file containing the XML document to be parsed. This allows relative references to other XML entities to be resolved correctly. Rule Enhancements: ----------------- A no-arguments constructor for Rule has been added, so that you can dynamically instantiate Rule instances like any other JavaBean. Rules that invoke methods dynamically now take advantage of the new commons-beanutils facilities for matching methods by compatible argument types, rather than requiring an exact match. You can now use CallMethodRule to call methods that take no arguments. New BeanPropertySetterRule allows you to set arbitrary properties of the top element on the evaluation stack. New SetRootRule allows convenient access to the root element on the evaluation stack. BUG REPORTS ADDRESSED: ===================== 4519 Digester#parse() throws NullPointerException if unable to instantiate SAX parser 4553 Digester always logs exceptions 5804 SetTopRule description: swap parent and child? 6043 [PATCH] for SetTopRule.java to fix misleading debug message and other clarifications 6290 Unsafe handling of Throwable 6524 Minor error in digester java-doc 8244 CallMethodRule can't be used to call no arg methods 8461 Digester parse(File) is crippled in two aspects