Troubleshooting If things don't just work as described in the readme. Getting the content graph manually: - curl -u admin:admin -H "Accept: text/rdf+nt" http://localhost:8080/graph?name=urn:x-localinstance:/content.graph > graph.nt Manually deploying: - retrieve a zipped offline version from http://localhost:8080/admin/offline/download?baseUri=http://localhost:8080/&targetUri= - scp - on unzip -o NOTES: - as the documentation at /documentation is not a resource in rdf it wasn't contained in the oflline site, so I added a resource with that URI - to have the content of index-resources displayed on localhost you need to create the respective collection, otherwise the resource can only be accessed with the URI ending with "/index". This can be done on the clerzza shell as follows: import rdf.core._ import rdf.core.impl._ import rdf.ontologies._ import platform.graphprovider.content.ContentGraphProvider val cgp = $[ContentGraphProvider] val cg = cgp.getContentGraph cg.add(new TripleImpl(new UriRef("http://localhost:8080/downloads/"), RDF.`type`, HIERARCHY.Collection))