Apache Airavata Client - README.txt Licensed under Apache License 2.0 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About ===== Apache Airavata, a software framework to executing and managing computational jobs on distributed computing resources including local clusters, supercomputers, national grids, academic and commercial clouds. Airavata builds on general concepts of service oriented computing, distributed messaging, and workflow composition and orchestration. Airavata bundles a server package, a client API to access the server and a general purpose GUI XBaya as a application registration, workflow construction execution and monitoring. XBaya GUI also provides capabilities to access the workflow produced data. Contact ======== For additional information about Apache Airavata, please contact the user or dev mailing lists: http://airavata.apache.org/community/mailing-lists.html Airavata Client Distribution ============================ This distribution is a set of libraries and configurations files that allow a 3rd party application to programatically access Airavata functionality through Airavata API. AIRAVATA_CLIENT ├── conf │ ├── airavata-client.properties │ └── log4j.properties ├── lib ├── samples ├── create-application └── workflow-run ├── INSTALL ├── LICENSE ├── NOTICE └── README How to test and run samples =========================== * If you built Airavata from source, and if you see "BUILD SUCCESS", then the test cases should have passes. * The samples directory contains samples on 2 base use cases on Airavata Client API. See the README files contained within the samples for more details. * For more examples on how to use the Airavata API go to https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRAVATA/Gateway+Developer+Guide * For advanced use cases, please contact mailing lists - http://airavata.apache.org/community/mailing-lists.html Description of Directory Structure ================================== - samples This contains 2 basecase usecases on how to use Airavata client. Both the samples are having its README file So users have to refer each README file before running each sample. - lib This contains all the libraries required to run the client side code. Add these libraries to the classpath of java applications which uses Airavata Client API. - conf Contains all the configuration files for airavata client API to work. Refer the comments in the configuration file for more details. - README This document. - INSTALL This document will contain information on how to use Airavata Client API libraries. Other Available Distributions ============================= Server Distributions -------------------- * Airavata Server The Airavata Server binary distribution allows you to run a standalone Airavata Server which includes all the airavata services shipped with a default derby database as the backend registry. For stable purposes, a mysql configuration is recommended. * Airavata Server Web Application This is similar package as the Airavata Server but is distributed as the server Web Application archive. This war is compatible with Apache Tomcat application server. The war bundles all airavata services enabled by defualt to startup a derby database as the backend registry. For stable purposes, a mysql configuration is recommended. Client Distributions -------------------- * Airavata XBaya The Airavata XBaya distribution is a client GUI application with features to register applications as web services, construct workflows, execute and monitor workflows and browse the generated results from the airavata registry. * Airavata XBaya JNLP The Airavata XBaya JNLP distribution is the simular GUI distribution but prepackeged to be ready to be deployed to a web server as a web start application. The GUI provides features to register applications as web services, construct workflows, execute and monitor workflows and browse the generated results from the airavata registry.