Apache Airavata (incubating) - README.txt Licensed under Apache License 2.0 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About ===== Apache Airavata, a software framework to compose, manage, execute, and monitor distributed applications and workflows on computational resources ranging from local resources to computational grids and clouds. Airavata can be used as individual components or as an integrated solution to build science gateways or general-purpose distributed application and workflow management systems. Users can use Airavata back end services and build gadgets to deploy in open social containers such as Apache Rave and modify them to suit their needs. Airavata builds on general concepts of service oriented computing, distributed messaging, and workflow composition and orchestration. Disclaimer ========== Apache Airavata is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF. Release Notes ============= 0.4-INCUBATNG is the third release of Airavata (skipped 0.1-INCUBATNG). This release focuses on improving test cases and stability of code, documentation. For detailed tasks list, please see RELEASE_NOTES. Building from source ==================== For brief installation instructions, see INSTALL For detailed installation and further instructions refer http://incubator.apache.org/airavata/ - Documentation section in right hand panel. Step by step with proper documentation and screenshots is provided. Known Issues in This Release ============================ This is the base release and is focused on a good foundation and less on features. This version is not recommended for production usage. Airavata Binary Distribution Directory Structure ================================================ AIRAVATA_HOME |-- bin |--airavata-server.sh |--jackrabbit-server.sh |--setenv.sh |--xbaya-gui.sh |-- samples |-- gui |-- lib |-- standalone-server | |-- lib | |-- conf | |-- repository | -- services | |-- bin |-- database_scripts |-- DISCLAIMER |-- NOTICE |-- LICENSE |-- README |-- INSTALL How to test and run samples =========================== * If you built Airavata from source, and if you see "BUILD SUCCESS", then the test cases should have passes. * The test cases are beyond unit level, they startup embedded services and run through basic workflow use cases. * To walk through Airavata features, follow "Airavata in Five Minutes" tutorial at http://incubator.apache.org/airavata/documentation/system/airavata-in-5-minutes.html * For intermediate level Airavata features, follow "Airavata in Ten Minutes" tutorial at http://incubator.apache.org/airavata/documentation/system/airavata-in-10-minutes.html * For advanced use cases, please contact mailing lists - http://incubator.apache.org/airavata/community/mailing-lists.html Description of Directory Structure ================================== - bin This contains all the executable scripts to run required applications in Airavata distribution. Ex: This contains scripts to run XBaya GUI Application, Airavata Server (Axis2 server with Airavata services which include messageBroker and messageBox with GFac Axis2 services), Jackrabbit executables to run. - samples This contains all the system wide samples provided in Airavata distribution. All the sample are having its README file So users have to refer each readme file before running each sample. - lib This contains all the libraries required to run the client side code with the jars required to run XBaya GUI. So you can easily separate the server side and client side by separating the standalone-server folder and lib directory during the deployment. - gui Contains the scripts to run WS Notification Listener GUI tool - standalone-server This contains all the artifacts required during axis2Server runtime with required axis2 service archives - standalone-server - lib Contains all the libraries required for Axis2 runtime - standalone-server - conf Contains all the configuration files for Axis2 Runtime and messenger services (messagebroker and messagebox) - standalone-server - repository - services Contains deployed services in Axis2 runtime. - standalone-server - bin Commandline scripts to use to start the SimpleAxis2Server and other Axis2 related scripts. - standalone-server - bin - database_scripts Contains the database scripts which are used to create tables for messagebox and messagebroker services - README This document. - INSTALL This document will contain information on installing Apache-Airavata.